Developer Reference =================== This page contains further information on the tools/packages we use, to guide developers who are working on mods. The ``@optimod`` decorator -------------------------- The ``@optimod`` decorator should be added to any Mod functions that need to create Gurobi models. :doc:`adding` provides a template for how to apply the decorator. The decorator provides the following arguments automatically: * ``verbose``, enabling users to shut off output; * ``logfile``, enabling users to send Mod logs to a file; and * ``solver_params``, enabling users to pass a dictionary of parameters to the Gurobi Optimizer. As a Mod developer, your Mod must take a keyword argument ``create_env``. This function should be called to create a Gurobi environment inside your Mod, and all gurobipy ``Model`` objects should use this environment. The environment must be properly closed before your Mod function returns (this is best achieved by using context managers). Adding Citations ---------------- We use `sphinxcontrib-bibtex `_ for citations. To add citations in your mod documentation page: - Add a ``.bib`` file under ``docs/source/refs`` - Add your new ``.bib`` file to the ``bibtex_bibfiles`` list in ``docs/source/`` - Use ``:footcite:t:`` or ``:footcite:p:`` as needed to cite references within your documentation - Add the ``.. footbibliography::`` directive at the bottom of your documentation page to show references as footnotes