Mean-Variance Portfolio ======================= Portfolio optimization involves the strategic allocation of wealth across various assets, including stocks, bonds, commodities, and other investment instruments. The objective of portfolio optimization is to construct portfolios that strike an optimal balance between expected returns and risk. To achieve this, portfolio optimization can take into consideration several factors, including historical data, market trends, and the investor's risk tolerance. Expected returns and variances play a crucial role in the process. Expected returns estimate the potential gains an investor anticipates from holding a particular asset, while variances measure the volatility or fluctuation in the assets' returns. The efficient frontier is a key concept in portfolio optimization. It represents the set of portfolios that offer the highest expected returns for a given level of risk. This Mod returns portfolios on the efficient frontier given expected returns and variances. Problem Specification --------------------- We consider a single-period portfolio optimization problem where want to allocate wealth into :math:`n` risky assets. The returned portfolio :math:`x` is an efficient mean-variance portfolio for given returns :math:`\mu`, covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma` and risk aversion :math:`\gamma`. .. dropdown:: Background: Mathematical Formulation The most basic version of this Mod is implemented by formulating a Quadratic Program (QP) and solving it using Gurobi. The formulation is as follows: .. math:: \begin{alignat}{2} \max \quad & \mu^\top x - \tfrac12 \gamma\ x^\top\Sigma x \\ \mbox{s.t.} \quad & 1^\top x = 1 \\ \end{alignat} * :math:`\mu` is the vector of expected returns. * :math:`\Sigma` is the return covariance matrix. * :math:`x` is the portfolio where :math:`x_i` denotes the fraction of wealth invested in the risky asset :math:`i`. * :math:`\gamma\geq0` is the risk aversion coefficient. This description refers only to the simple base model. Further down in `Enforcing more portfolio features`_ we explain how to enforce additional features, such as leverage or transaction fees. Data Specification ------------------ The mean-variance portfolio optimization model takes the following inputs: * The covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma` can be given as a pandas DataFrame or a numpy array. * The return estimator :math:`\mu` can be given as a pandas Series or a numpy array. The returned allocation vector :math:`x` is a pandas Series or a numpy ndarray (depending on the input types). Example ------- Here we derive the matrix :math:`\Sigma` and the vector :math:`\mu` from a time series of historic excess returns: .. testsetup:: mod # Set pandas options for displaying DataFrames, if needed import math import pandas as pd pd.options.display.max_rows = 10 pd.options.display.max_columns = 7 .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> from gurobi_optimods import datasets >>> data = datasets.load_portfolio() >>> data AA BB CC ... HH II JJ 0 -0.000601 0.002353 -0.075234 ... 0.060737 -0.012869 -0.022137 1 0.019177 0.050008 0.041345 ... -0.026674 0.009876 0.012809 2 -0.020333 0.026638 -0.038999 ... -0.023153 -0.007007 -0.038034 3 0.001421 -0.053813 -0.013347 ... -0.012348 0.018736 -0.058373 4 0.008648 0.114836 0.003617 ... 0.064090 -0.011153 0.024333 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 240 0.007382 -0.000724 -0.002444 ... -0.007654 0.018015 -0.017135 241 -0.003362 -0.106913 -0.082365 ... 0.040787 -0.023020 -0.067792 242 0.004359 -0.029763 -0.041986 ... 0.014522 -0.017109 -0.060247 243 -0.018402 -0.054211 -0.075788 ... -0.013557 0.022576 -0.036793 244 -0.016237 0.015580 -0.026970 ... -0.005893 -0.013456 -0.032203 [245 rows x 10 columns] The columns of this DataFrame represent the individual assets ("AA", "BB", ..., "JJ") while the rows represent the historic time steps. We use pandas functionality to compute a simple mean estimator and corresponding covariance from this DataFrame: .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 100.0 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) pf = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma) .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 82 rows, 91 columns and 190 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... Solution -------- The method ``efficient_portfolio`` returns a :class:`~gurobi_optimods.portfolio.PortfolioResult` instance, containing information on the computed portfolio. It has the following attributes: * ``x`` : The relative investments :math:`x` for each asset * ``ret`` : The estimated return :math:`\mu^T x` * ``risk`` : The estimated risk :math:`x^T \Sigma x` In this example the solution suggests to spread the investments over five positions (AA, DD, GG, HH, II). The other allocations are negligible. .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> pf.x AA 4.236507e-01 BB 1.743570e-07 CC 7.573610e-10 DD 2.430104e-01 EE 1.017732e-07 FF 2.760531e-09 GG 2.937307e-02 HH 2.350833e-01 II 6.888222e-02 JJ 1.248442e-08 dtype: float64 The estimated risk and return are: .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> round(pf.risk, ndigits=8) 0.00017552 >>> round(pf.ret, ndigits=8) 0.00365177 .. _factor models: Using factor models as input ---------------------------- In the preceding discussion we have assumed that we the covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma` was explicitly given. In many cases, however, the covariance is naturally given through a *factor model*. Mathematically, this means that a decomposition .. math:: \begin{align*} \Sigma = B K B^T + \mbox{diag}(d) \end{align*} of the covariance matrix is known where * :math:`B` is an :math:`n`-by-:math:`k` matrix of factor exposures (or "betas" or "factor loadings"), * :math:`K` is the :math:`k`-by-:math:`k` covariance matrix of the factor return rates, * :math:`d` is the vector of idiosyncratic risk for each asset, and :math:`\mbox{diag}(d)` denotes the :math:`n`-by-:math:`n` diagonal matrix having diagonal values :math:`d`. Examples for this are single- or multi-factor models that divide the individual covariances into a general market movement, and an idiosyncratic risk component for each asset. Also CAPM priors and risk factors obtained from principal component analysis can be phrased in this form. See `Efficient frontier(s) with cardinality constraints`_ for an example of a synthetic multi-factor model. Rather than computing the covariance matrix explicitly from the decomposition, it is recommended for performance and accuracy reasons to input the individual factor matrices directly through the ``cov_factors`` keyword argurment as in the following example, which mimics a single-factor model: .. testcode:: mod import numpy as np from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio mu = np.array([0.23987036, 0.24402181, 0.15069203]) market_variance = 0.25 # Factors relating market variance to assets beta = np.array([[0.93797928], [1.71942161], [1.15652896]]) # Idiosyncratic risk asset_risk = np.array([0.23745675, 0.19140259, 0.34325066])**2 # Full covariance matrix according to single factor model Sigma = beta @ beta.T * market_variance**2 + np.diag(asset_risk) mvp_matrix = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix=Sigma) x_matrix = mvp_matrix.efficient_portfolio(20).x # Same model, but taking advantage of the factor structure mvp_factors = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_factors=( beta, market_variance**2 * np.eye(1), asset_risk)) x_factors = mvp_factors.efficient_portfolio(20).x .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 26 rows, 28 columns and 57 nonzeros ... Model has 6 quadratic objective terms ... Optimize a model with 30 rows, 32 columns and 67 nonzeros ... Model has 4 quadratic objective terms ... The two computed portfolios are the same, up to numerical noise. .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> pd.DataFrame(data={'matrix': x_matrix, 'factors': x_factors}) matrix factors 0 7.792530e-01 7.792530e-01 1 1.677210e-09 3.696123e-09 2 2.207470e-01 2.207470e-01 .. _portfolio features: Enforcing more portfolio features --------------------------------- A number of additional restrictions can be placed on the returned optimal portfolio, such as transaction fees or limiting the number of trades. Working with leverage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, all traded positions will be long positions. You can allow allocations in short positions (where assets are borrowed and sold with the intention of repurchasing them later at a lower price) by defining a nonzero limit on the total short allocations via the keyword parameter ``max_total_short``. For example, to allow short positions to take up to 30% of the portfolio value (130-30 strategy), you can do: .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 100.0 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) x = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, max_total_short=0.3).x .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 82 rows, 91 columns and 200 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... By incorporating leverage, we now obtain an optimal portfolio with three short positions, totaling about 14% of assets: .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS >>> x AA 0.437482 BB 0.020704 CC -0.080789 DD 0.271877 EE 0.019897 FF -0.029849 GG 0.083466 HH 0.240992 II 0.066809 JJ -0.030588 dtype: float64 >>> x[x<0].sum() -0.141226... One-time transaction fees ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to take into account fixed costs per transaction suggested by the optimal portfolio :math:`x`, you can use the keyword parameters ``fees_buy`` (for buy trades) and ``fees_sell`` (for sell trades): .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 100.0 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) x = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, fees_buy=0.005).x .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 82 rows, 91 columns and 200 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... Transaction fees can be provided either as a constant fee, applying the same amount uniformly to all assets, or as numpy array or pandas Series to specify distinct fees for individual assets. Note that these parameters prescribe the transaction fees *relative* to the total portfolio value. In the above example we used ``fees_buy=0.005``, meaning that each buy transaction has a fixed-cost of 0.5% of the total portfolio value. All transaction fees are assumed to be covered by the portfolio itself, thus reducing the total sum of the returned optimal portfolio: .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> round(x.sum(), ndigits=6) 0.95 .. testcode:: mod :hide: assert math.isclose(x.sum(), 0.95) Proportional transaction costs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can define transaction costs *proportional to the transaction value* by using the ``costs_buy`` (for buy trades) and ``costs_sell`` (for sell trades) keyword parameters as follows: .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 100.0 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) x = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, costs_buy=0.0025).x .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 82 rows, 91 columns and 200 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... Transaction costs can be provided either as a constant value, applying the same cost uniformly to all assets, or as a numpy array or pandas Series, allowing for asset-specific costs. Note that these parameters prescribe the transaction costs relative to the trade value. In the above example we used ``costs_buy=0.0025``, meaning that each buy transaction incurs transaction costs of 0.25% of the traded value. All transaction costs are assumed to be covered by the portfolio itself, thus reducing the total sum of the returned optimal portfolio: .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> round(x.sum(), ndigits=6) 0.997506 .. testcode:: mod :hide: assert math.isclose(x.sum(), 1/(1+0.0025)) Minimum position constraints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A minimum fraction of investment can be enforced upon each individual position, preventing trades at negligible volume. Use the keyword parameters ``min_long`` and ``min_short`` to set thresholds for trading long and short positions. For example, here we enforce that at least 5% of the wealth are allocated to each trade: .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 100.0 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) x_plain = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, max_total_short=0.3).x x_minpos = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, max_total_short=0.3, min_long=0.05, min_short=0.05).x .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 82 rows, 91 columns and 200 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... Optimize a model with 102 rows, 91 columns and 240 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... Comparing the two portfolios ``x_plain``, which has no minimum position constraints set with ``x_minpos``, which defines these constraints, we see that the latter portfolio is free of "tiny" transactions. .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> pd.concat([x_plain, x_minpos], keys=["plain", "minpos"], axis=1) plain minpos AA 0.437482 0.431366 BB 0.020704 0.000000 CC -0.080789 -0.070755 DD 0.271877 0.284046 EE 0.019897 0.000000 FF -0.029849 -0.050000 GG 0.083466 0.097149 HH 0.240992 0.244677 II 0.066809 0.063517 JJ -0.030588 0.000000 Restricting the number of open positions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to compute an optimal portfolio under the additional restriction that only a limited number of positions can be open. This can be set through the ``max_positions`` keyword parameter. For example, restricting the total number of open positions to three can be achieved as follows: .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 100.0 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) x = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, max_positions=3).x .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 83 rows, 91 columns and 210 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... The returned solution now suggests to trade only the assets "AA", "DD", and "HH". .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> x AA 0.482084 BB 0.000000 CC 0.000000 DD 0.282683 EE 0.000000 FF 0.000000 GG 0.000000 HH 0.235233 II 0.000000 JJ 0.000000 dtype: float64 Restricting the number of trades ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to compute an optimal portfolio under the additional restriction that only a limited number of positions can be traded. This can be set through the ``max_trades`` keyword parameter. Without a starting portfolio (see `Starting portfolio & rebalancing`_) this is equivalent to limiting the number of positions (via ``max_positions``). But with a starting portfolio defined, this parameter will limit the number of trades changing it. Including a risk-free asset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A risk-free asset can be included in the optimal choice of portfolio through the ``rf_return`` parameter. Its value specifies the risk-free return rate. For example, here we compute an efficient portfolio under the assumption that the risk-free return rate is 0.25%: .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 12.5 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) pf = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, rf_return=0.0025) .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 82 rows, 91 columns and 191 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... If a risk-free return rate has been specified, the returned :class:`~gurobi_optimods.portfolio.PortfolioResult` instance's ``x_rf`` attribute tells the proportion of investment into the risk-free asset. In this example the optimal portfolio allocates about 17% into the risk-free asset: .. testcode:: mod print(f"risky investment: {100*pf.x.sum():.2f}%") print(f"risk-less investment: {100*pf.x_rf:.2f}%") .. testoutput:: mod risky investment: 83.18% risk-less investment: 16.82% Note that the contribution of ``rf_return * pf.x_rf`` to the portfolio's expected value is already included in ``pf.ret``. Starting portfolio & rebalancing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternatively to computing an optimal portfolio out of an all-cash position, one can specify a *starting portfolio*, referred to as :math:`x^0` in the following, via the ``initial_holdings`` keyword parameter. In this case, an optimal *rebalancing* of the given portfolio is computed. Each entry :math:`x^0_i` indicates the fraction of wealth that is currently invested in asset :math:`i`. Consequently the initial holdings :math:`x^0` need to satisfy :math:`\sum_i x^0_i \leq 1`. When specifying a starting portfolio, the following constraints target the *difference* :math:`x - x^0` instead of the optimal portfolio :math:`x`: * `One-time transaction fees`_ through the ``fees_buy`` and ``fees_sell`` parameters * `Proportional transaction costs`_ through the ``costs_buy`` and ``costs_sell`` parameters * `Minimum position constraints`_ through the ``min_short`` and ``min_long`` parameters * `Restricting the number of trades`_ through the ``max_trades`` parameter Note that without any additional constraints on the portfolio or trades, it does not make a difference whether or not you specify a starting portfolio: In that case any given portfolio will be changed to match the optimal allocations (no *sunk-cost-fallacy*). In the following example we ask for rebalancing a given starting portfolio using at most two trades: .. testcode:: mod import pandas as pd import numpy as np from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_portfolio from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio data = load_portfolio() cov_matrix = data.cov() mu = data.mean() gamma = 100.0 mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_matrix) # A random starting portfolio x0 = pd.Series( [0.06, 0.0, 0.0, 0.23, 0.37, 0.18, 0.0, 0.09, 0.07, 0.0], index=mu.index ) x = mvp.efficient_portfolio(gamma, initial_holdings=x0, max_trades=2, fees_buy=0.001, fees_sell=0.002).x .. testoutput:: mod :hide: ... Optimize a model with 83 rows, 91 columns and 230 nonzeros ... Model has 55 quadratic objective terms ... .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> pd.concat([x0, x, (x-x0).abs() > 1e-8], keys=["start", "optimal", "traded"], axis=1) start optimal traded AA 0.06 0.427 True BB 0.00 0.000 False CC 0.00 0.000 False DD 0.23 0.230 False EE 0.37 0.000 True FF 0.18 0.180 False GG 0.00 0.000 False HH 0.09 0.090 False II 0.07 0.070 False JJ 0.00 0.000 False The traded positions are "AA" and "EE", resulting in one-time fees for one long, and one short transaction (in sum 0.3% of the total investment). As explained in `One-time transaction fees`_, these fees are accounted for within the portfolio itself, reducing the total portfolio value as needed: .. doctest:: mod :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> print(round(x.sum(), ndigits=6)) 0.997 Efficient frontier(s) with cardinality constraints -------------------------------------------------- In classical mean-variance portfolio theory, the *efficient frontier* comprises all portfolios that achieve an optimal balance between risk and return for varying values of :math:`\gamma` (see `Problem Specification`_). Plotted in the risk-return plane, the result is a smooth curve, depicting the trade-off between risk and expected return, see `efficient frontiers`_. In this example we will explore the impact of restricting the number of open positions on the efficient frontier. Multiple-Factor Data Model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For this example we will use synthetic data from a random *multiple-factor model*. In this setting the excess returns are supposed to follow the linear model .. math:: \begin{equation*} r = Bf + u \end{equation*} where * :math:`r \in \mathbf{R}^n` are the excess returns, * :math:`B \in \mathbf{R}^{n,k}` are the asset exposures to the market factors, * :math:`f \in \mathbf{R}^k` are the factor return rates, and * :math:`u \in \mathbf{R}^n` are the residual returns of the assets (uncorrelated). So this excess return of each asset can be attributed to two factors: its weighted correlation with general market movement (:math:`Bf`), which includes macroeconomic influences, and its intrinsic, uncorrelated returns that are independent of market fluctuations (:math:`u`). These model quantities allow for structured estimates of the first and second moments (return and risk); for details of the derivation we refer to :footcite:t:`cornuéjols_peña_tütüncü_2018`, Sect. 6.6. The important effect on the input data for the mean-variance model we want to point out though is that the covariance matrix decomposes algebraically as follows: .. math:: \begin{equation*} \Sigma = B K B^T + \mbox{cov}(u) \end{equation*} That is, :math:`\Sigma` is given by the sum of a low-rank term and a diagonal term; we will take advantage of this structure further below. The following code snippet generates synthetic data based on a multiple-factor model incorporating this particular structure: .. code-block:: Python import numpy as np np.random.seed(0xacac) # Fix seed for reproducibility num_assets = 16 num_factors = 4 timesteps = 24 # Generate random factor model, risk is B * sigma_factor * B.T + cov(u) sigma_factor = np.diag(1 + np.arange(num_factors) + np.random.rand(num_factors)) B = np.random.normal(size=(num_assets, num_factors)) alpha = np.random.normal(loc=1, size=(num_assets, 1)) u = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(num_assets), np.eye(num_assets), timesteps).T risk_specific = np.diag(np.cov(u)) # Time series in factor space TS_factor = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(num_factors), sigma_factor, timesteps).T # Estimate mu from time series in full space mu = np.mean(alpha + B @ TS_factor + u, axis=1) Note that ``B``, ``sigma_factor`` and ``risk_specific`` are already in the format for the optimization model as described in `Using factor models as input`_. Computing frontiers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To compute the efficient frontier(s), we simple range over a series of values for :math:`\gamma` and compute various optimal portfolios with different cardinality constraints:: from gurobi_optimods.portfolio import MeanVariancePortfolio gammas = np.logspace(-1, 1, 256)**2 rr_pairs_unc = [] rr_pairs_con = {1: [], 2: [], 3: []} for g in gammas: mvp = MeanVariancePortfolio(mu, cov_factors=(B, sigma_factor, risk_specific)) # Optimal portfolio w/o cardinality constraints pf = mvp.efficient_portfolio(g, verbose=False) rr_pairs_unc.append((pf.risk, pf.ret)) for max_positions in [1, 2, 3]: # Optimal portfolio with cardinality constraints pf = mvp.efficient_portfolio(g, max_positions=max_positions, verbose=False) rr_pairs_con[max_positions].append((pf.risk, pf.ret)) Comparison ~~~~~~~~~~ All risk/return pairs are now recorded in ``rr_pairs_unc`` (unconstrained portfolios) and ``rr_pairs_con`` (constrained portfolios). The corresponding efficient frontiers look like this: .. code-block:: python from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() risk, ret = zip(*rr_pairs_unc) ax.scatter(risk, ret, label="unconstrained") for k in rr_pairs_con: risk, ret = zip(*rr_pairs_con[k]) ax.scatter(risk, ret, label=f"{k:d} asset{'' if k==1 else 's':s}") ax.legend(loc='lower right') plt.xlabel("risk") plt.ylabel("return") .. _efficient frontiers: .. figure:: figures/mvp.png :alt: Efficient frontiers for various cardinality constraints Efficient frontiers for various cardinality constraints Of course all cardinality constrained portfolios are dominated by the unconstrained ones, but restricting the portfolio to three open positions already yields points very close to the unconstrained efficient frontier. The discontinuity of the constrained frontiers is a consequence of the discrete decision of holding a position or not, preventing a smooth progression from one efficient portfolio to another for varying values of :math:`\gamma`. .. footbibliography::