
The best way to get started with the OptiMods is to try one out! Check out the The OptiMods Gallery first to find a Mod that suits you. Each Mod comes complete with a page of explanatory documentation which provides background on the problem it is intended to solve. The docs also include runnable example codes and datasets to help get you started.

Note that you may need to install additional dependencies for some examples, as they use optional packages which are not direct dependencies of gurobi-optimods. The quick way to ensure you have a Python environment which can execute all the example snippets in the docs is to run the following:

python -m pip install gurobi-optimods[examples]

Each Mod is designed to be self-contained, with a clean data-in data-out API. Munge your data into the appropriate format using Python tools you already know, and run the Mod as outlined in its documentation page to get back a solution.

The documentation pages also include details of the mathematical model underlying the Mod, should you be interested to learn more about the implementation. These details are explained in sections marked “Background”. It is not necessary to read and understand these sections in order to use the Mod effectively. You can also browse the Mod source to find out how the mathematical models are implemented in code.

Finally, we welcome contributions of new Mods, bug fixes and new features for existing Mods, and improvements to the documentation. This is intended to be a community project that grows over time to handle a wide range of optimization use-cases across many different fields. See Contributing to OptiMods for more details.