Workforce Scheduling

Workforce scheduling is an extremely widely-used application of optimization in practice. It involves balancing many competing concerns such as worker availability, cost, and preferences; shift coverage requirements; conditions on consecutive shifts and rest breaks; and so on. Implementation can become quite involved as worker requirements and entitlements become more complex.

This Mod implements several basic variants of workforce scheduling. The initial example is deliberately simple, while later sections progressively add more complexity and enforce additional requirements on the generated schedule. If the initial example appears too simple for your use case, please, read on!

Problem Specification

This first example covers a simple case for a business developing a two-week roster. Each shift requires a given number of workers who have identical skills and productivity. In other words, any worker can cover any shift, and all workers are considered equivalent. Workers provide their availability for shifts. Rest requirements and minimum work entitlements are handled through upper and lower limits, respectively, on the number of shifts a worker is rostered on in the schedule. Optionally, preferences can be provided, in which case the scheduler aims to maximize satisfaction by finding a feasible roster that maximizes the sum of preference scores of the assigned shifts.

The workforce scheduling Mod takes the following three pandas dataframes as input:

  • The availability dataframe has two columns: Worker and Shift. A row in this dataframe indicates that the given worker is available to work the given shift. If the optional preferences argument is provided, it refers to an additional column in the availability dataframe that provides numerical preference data.

  • The shift_requirements dataframe has two columns: Shift and Required. Each row specifies the number of workers required for a given shift. There must be one row for every unique shift mentioned in availability["Shift"].

  • The worker_limits dataframe has three columns: Worker, MinShifts, and MaxShifts. Each row specifies the minimum and maximum number of shifts the given worker may be assigned in the schedule. There must be one row for every unique worker mentioned in availability["Worker"].

When the main function solve_workforce_scheduling is called, a model is formulated and solved using Gurobi. Workers will be assigned only to shifts they are available for, in such a way that all requirements are covered, minimum and maximum shift numbers are respected, and the total sum of worker preference scores is maximized. If preferences=None, preferences are not considered and any feasible schedule will be returned.

The returned assignment dataframe is a subset of the rows of the availability dataframe. The presence of a row in the returned dataframe signifies that the given worker has been assigned to the given shift.

Background: Mathematical Model

A set of shifts \(S\) is to be covered using a set of workers \(W\). Workers \(w \in W_{s} \subseteq W\) are available to work a given shift s, and have a preference \(p_{ws}\) for each assigned shift. Shift \(s\) requires \(r_{s}\) workers assigned. Each worker must be assigned between \(l_{w}\) and \(u_{w}\) shifts in total. The model is defined on binary variables \(x_{ws}\) that represent shift assignments as follows:

\[\begin{split}x_{ws} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if worker w is given shift s} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \\ \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The mathematical model is then expressed as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{alignat}{2} \max \quad & \sum_{s \in S} \sum_{w \in W_{s}} p_{ws} x_{ws} \\ \mbox{s.t.} \quad & \sum_{w \in W_{s}} x_{ws} = r_{s} & \forall s \in S \\ & l_{w} \le \sum_{s \in S} x_{ws} \le u_{w} & \forall w \in W \\ & x_{ws} \in \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace & \forall s \in S, w \in W_{s} \\ \end{alignat}\end{split}\]

The objective computes the total preference value of all shift assignments, which we seek to maximize. The first constraint ensures that all shifts are assigned the required number of workers, while the second constraint ensures workers are assigned to an acceptable number of shifts.

A Simple Example

This section shows the simplest possible input dataset for the Mod, comprising seven workers covering daily shifts over a two week period, each with defined availability. All input data is given as pandas dataframes, following the layout described in the Problem Specification above. The tabs below show example data for each frame.

The following example table lists worker availability and preferences. For example, Siva is available on May 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and so on, with a stronger preference to be assigned the shift on the 5th. To use the preference data, the optional argument preferences="Preference" must be supplied.

>>> from gurobi_optimods import datasets
>>> data = datasets.load_workforce()
>>> data.availability
     Worker      Shift  Preference
0      Siva 2023-05-02         2.0
1      Siva 2023-05-03         2.0
2      Siva 2023-05-05         5.0
3      Siva 2023-05-07         3.0
4      Siva 2023-05-09         2.0
..      ...        ...         ...
67  Pauline 2023-05-10         4.0
68  Pauline 2023-05-11         5.0
69  Pauline 2023-05-12         2.0
70  Pauline 2023-05-13         4.0
71  Pauline 2023-05-14         3.0

[72 rows x 3 columns]

In the mathematical model, the worker-shift pairings enumerate all possible members of the set \(\lbrace (w, s) \mid s \in S, w \in W_s \rbrace\), and the preference column provides values \(p_{ws}\).

The example code below solves the workforce scheduling problem for the above dataset. The dataset is imported from the gurobi-optimods.datasets module.

from gurobi_optimods.datasets import load_workforce
from gurobi_optimods.workforce import solve_workforce_scheduling

# Load example data
data = load_workforce()

# Solve the Mod, get back a schedule
assigned_shifts = solve_workforce_scheduling(

Inspecting the Solution

The solution to this workforce scheduling problem is a selection of shift assignments. The returned dataframe is a subset of the original availability dataframe.

>>> assigned_shifts
      Worker      Shift  Preference
0       Siva 2023-05-03         2.0
1       Siva 2023-05-05         5.0
2       Siva 2023-05-07         3.0
3       Siva 2023-05-10         4.0
4       Siva 2023-05-11         5.0
..       ...        ...         ...
47   Pauline 2023-05-07         2.0
48   Pauline 2023-05-11         5.0
49   Pauline 2023-05-12         2.0
50   Pauline 2023-05-13         4.0
51   Pauline 2023-05-14         3.0

[52 rows x 3 columns]

The solution can be transformed into alternative output formats using standard pandas operations. For example, the shift assignments could be pivoted to produce a wide-format table displaying a readable roster. Alternatively, one could use pandas I/O functions to push the solution to another system or service for further processing.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> shifts_table = pd.pivot_table(
...     assigned_shifts.assign(value=1),
...     values="value",
...     index="Shift",
...     columns="Worker",
...     fill_value="-",
... ).replace({1.0: "Y"})
>>> with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 15):
...     print(shifts_table)
Worker     Femke Marisa Matsumi Pauline Siva Vincent Ziqiang
2023-05-01     -      Y       -       Y    -       -       Y
2023-05-02     Y      -       -       -    -       Y       -
2023-05-03     Y      -       Y       -    Y       Y       -
2023-05-04     -      -       Y       -    -       Y       -
2023-05-05     Y      -       Y       Y    Y       -       Y
2023-05-06     Y      Y       -       Y    -       -       Y
2023-05-07     -      -       Y       Y    Y       Y       -
2023-05-08     -      -       -       -    -       Y       Y
2023-05-09     -      Y       -       -    -       Y       -
2023-05-10     Y      -       Y       -    Y       -       -
2023-05-11     Y      -       -       Y    Y       -       Y
2023-05-12     Y      Y       Y       Y    Y       -       -
2023-05-13     Y      Y       Y       Y    Y       Y       Y
2023-05-14     -      Y       Y       Y    Y       Y       -

Enforcing Breaks

The approach above is likely too simple for longer rosters, since the number of shifts assigned to each worker is only constrained over the entire time period of the roster. Realistically, this requirement may need to be enforced on a rolling basis. For example, a worker may only be allowed to be assigned four shifts in any given five day period (i.e. one rostered-off day). This is enforced using the limit_window keyword argument. If this optional argument is provided, the worker_limits constraint will be enforced over a rolling window of the given duration, rather than over the entire roster duration.

>>> worker_limits = pd.DataFrame(dict(
...     Worker=data.worker_limits["Worker"],
...     Window=pd.Timedelta("5D"),
...     MinShifts=0,
...     MaxShifts=4,
... ))
>>> worker_limits
    Worker Window  MinShifts  MaxShifts
0     Siva 5 days          0          4
1  Ziqiang 5 days          0          4
2  Matsumi 5 days          0          4
3    Femke 5 days          0          4
4  Vincent 5 days          0          4
5   Marisa 5 days          0          4
6  Pauline 5 days          0          4

The above data specifies that all workers have identical requirements to work at most four shifts in any given five day period, with no minimum number of shifts required. When solving this variant of the problem, rolling_limits must be set to True to enforce the new requirement.

>>> assigned_shifts = solve_workforce_scheduling(
...     availability=data.availability,
...     shift_requirements=data.shift_requirements,
...     worker_limits=worker_limits,
...     preferences="Preference",
...     rolling_limits=True,
...     verbose=False,
... )
>>> shifts_table = pd.pivot_table(
...     assigned_shifts.assign(value=1),
...     values="value",
...     index="Shift",
...     columns="Worker",
...     fill_value="-",
... ).replace({1.0: "Y"})
>>> with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 15):
...     print(shifts_table)
Worker     Femke Marisa Matsumi Pauline Siva Vincent Ziqiang
2023-05-01     -      Y       -       Y    -       -       Y
2023-05-02     Y      -       -       -    -       Y       -
2023-05-03     Y      -       Y       Y    -       Y       -
2023-05-04     -      -       Y       -    -       Y       -
2023-05-05     Y      -       Y       Y    Y       Y       -
2023-05-06     Y      Y       -       Y    -       -       Y
2023-05-07     -      -       Y       Y    Y       Y       -
2023-05-08     -      -       -       Y    -       Y       -
2023-05-09     -      Y       -       -    -       Y       -
2023-05-10     Y      -       Y       -    Y       -       -
2023-05-11     Y      -       -       Y    -       Y       Y
2023-05-12     Y      Y       Y       Y    Y       -       -
2023-05-13     Y      Y       Y       Y    Y       Y       Y
2023-05-14     -      Y       Y       Y    Y       Y       -

Notice that Siva’s shifts have been adjusted to meet the requirement that not worker should work five or more consecutive days.

Further Requirements

As mentioned in the introduction, this Mod implements some basic cases of workforce scheduling, and is limited in scope. However, similar modelling approaches to those described here can be applied to handle more complex requirements. For further information, see Ernst et al.[1] (one among many references on the topic).